Scholarship Application Select a Scholarship —Please choose an option—Instrumental and Voice Lesson ScholarshipHelen Wipplinger Organ and Piano Lesson ScholarshipJerdet Summer Music Camp ScholarshipJerdet College ScholarshipNext Jerdet College Scholarship Jerdet Summer Music Camp Scholarship Helen Wipplinger Organ and Piano Lesson Scholarship Instrumental and Voice Lesson Scholarship Applying for a scholarship in: VoicePianoInstrumental Instrument OrganPiano Years of Piano Study Years of Organ Study The Helen W. Wipplinger Organ and Piano Scholarship program was established to provide tuition funds for promising students for private study of the organ and piano. Students must show an intention and promise to play the organ or piano for worship services in any church in Freeborn County, MN or St. Paul’s United Congregational Church of Christ in Minnesota Lake Township, Faribault County, MN. Scholarships are available for any student enrolled in (select) District 241, Freeborn CountyDistrict 2134, Faribault CountyAdult, Freeborn County Home Schooled Students, please see the Instrumental and Voice Lesson Scholarship. Audition Repertoire First Selection Second Selection Hymn ⤷ Review Audition Requirements Accompanist The Civic Music Board has implemented a policy of assigning an accompanist to each applicant rather than each applicant attempting to find their own accompanist. We feel that this gives everyone an equal opportunity to work with an accompanist. Working with a new accompanist is a great learning and growing experience. Our goal, as always, is that this be a positive experience for all. I will use a Civic Music provided accompanist.I will bring my own accompanist. I understand that Civic Music is NOT responsible for any fees charged by my own accompanist. Albert Lea Civic Music is delighted to provide an accompanist for you! Each applicant has the opportunity to have two 45 minute rehearsals and a brief warm-up preceding the audition with their assigned accompanist. The fees of your Civic Music provided accompanist for these rehearsals and the audition will be covered by Albert Lea Civic Music. Please review the ⤷ Accompanist Information Page Follow the guidelines for preparing and submitting your original scores for your assigned Civic Music accompanist. All scores must be submitted by the application deadline. I have reviewed the "Accompanist Information" page. I will submit an original copy of my music by the application deadline. My submitted copy will include measure numbers, cuts, ritards, and any other info that you would like the accompanist to know. I will include my name on each copy of music. Award Details Name of the college you attend Name of the camp you plan to attend Current year in college at time of application Music Major Degree Have you applied to this camp? Yes, I have applied to this campNo, I have not applied to this camp Have you been accepted to this camp? Yes, I have been acceptedNo, I have not been accepted Total cost of this camp? Teacher Recommendation Teacher's Name A recommendation from a current teacher is required. Please instruct your teacher to submit their recommendation at Applicant Details Parent Legal/Guardian Registration fee: $15 (Fee is waived if applicant has a current Civic Music Season Ticket) Applicant has a current Civic Music Season Ticket? YesNo Please pay $15 registration fee on audition day. I promise to complete the 26 lessons awarded to me by Albert Lea Civic Music for the next academic year. I also promise to play in a church of my choice at least once during this current year of scholarship. I will provide a bulletin from the service I participated. I will also play in the required Showcase Recital. I promise to complete the 26 lessons awarded to me by Albert Lea Civic Music for the next academic year. I will also play in the required Showcase Recital. Back